The aim of iPhone iOS 6 Development Essentials is to teach you the skills necessary to build your own applications for the iPhone. Beginning with the basics, this book provides an overview of the architecture of iOS 6. Introductions to Xcode and programming in Objective-C are provided followed by an in-depth look at the design of iPhone applications and user interfaces.
More advanced topics such as user interface layout, file handling, database management, graphics drawing and animation are also covered, as are touch screen handling, multitasking, in-app purchasing, iCloud storage, camera access and video playback.
New iOS 6 specific features are also covered in detail including Facebook integration, Auto Layout, Apple Maps, Collections, Reminders and user interface state preservation.
iPhone iOS 6 Development Essentials takes a modular approach to the subject of iOS 6 application development with each chapter covering a self contained topic area with detailed explanations, examples and tutorials. This makes the book both an easy to follow learning aid and an excellent reference resource.
Product Details
Print Edition Page Count: 638Print Page Size: 7.5" x 9.25"
Language: English
eBook Format: PDF, ePub, MOBI (Kindle)
Price: $12.99 (eBook)
Book Contents
- iOS 6 Architecture and SDK Frameworks
- Joining the Apple iOS Developer Program
- Installing Xcode 4 and the iOS 6 SDK
- Creating a Simple iPhone iOS 6 App
- Testing iOS 6 Apps on the iPhone . Developer Certificates and Provisioning Profiles
- The Basics of Objective-C Programming
- The Basics of Object Oriented Programming in Objective-C
- An Overview of the iPhone iOS 6 Application Development Architecture
- Creating an Interactive iOS 6 iPhone App
- Writing iOS 6 Code to Hide the iPhone Keyboard
- Understanding iPhone iOS 6 Views, Windows and the View Hierarchy
- iOS 6 iPhone Rotation, View Resizing and Layout Handling
- Creating an iOS 6 iPhone Multiview Application using the Tab Bar
- Creating a Simple iOS 6 iPhone Table View Application
- Creating a Navigation based iOS 6 iPhone Application using TableViews
- Using Xcode Storyboarding with iOS 6
- Implementing a Page based iOS 6 iPhone Application using UIPageViewController
- An Example iOS 6 iPhone UIPageViewController Application
- Using the UIPickerView and UIDatePicker Components in iOS 6 iPhone Applications
- An iOS 6 iPhone UIPickerView Example
- Working with Directories on iOS 6
- Working with iPhone Files on iOS 6
- iOS 6 iPhone Directory Handling and File I/O . A Worked Example
- Preparing an iOS 6 App to use iCloud Storage
- Managing Files using the iOS 6 UIDocument Class
- Using iCloud Storage in an iOS 6 iPhone Application
- Synchronizing iPhone iOS 6 Key-Value Data using iCloud
- iOS 6 iPhone Data Persistence using Archiving
- iOS 6 iPhone Database Implementation using SQLite
- An Example SQLite based iOS 6 iPhone Application
- Working with iOS 6 iPhone Databases using Core Data
- An iOS 6 iPhone Core Data Tutorial
- An Overview of iOS 6 iPhone Multitouch, Taps and Gestures
- An Example iOS 6 iPhone Touch, Multitouch and Tap Application
- Detecting iOS 6 iPhone Touch Screen Gesture Motions
- Identifying iPhone Gestures using iOS 6 Gesture Recognizers
- An iPhone iOS 6 Gesture Recognition Tutorial
- Drawing iOS 6 iPhone 2D Graphics with Quartz
- An iOS 6 iPhone Graphics Tutorial using Quartz 2D and Core Image
- Basic iOS 6 iPhone Animation using Core Animation
- Integrating iAds into an iOS 6 iPhone App
- An Overview of iOS 6 iPhone Multitasking
- Scheduling iOS 6 iPhone Local Notifications
- Getting iPhone Location Information using the iOS 6 Core Location Framework
- An Example iOS 6 iPhone Location Application
- Working with Maps on the iPhone with MapKit and the MKMapView Class
- Accessing the iPhone Camera and Photo Library
- An Example iOS 6 iPhone Camera Application
- Video Playback from within an iOS 6 iPhone Application
- Playing Audio on an iPhone using AVAudioPlayer
- Recording Audio on an iPhone with AVAudioRecorder
- Integrating Twitter and Facebook into iPhone iOS 6 Applications
- An iPhone iOS 6 Facebook Integration Tutorial using UIActivityViewController
- iPhone iOS 6 Facebook and Twitter Integration using SLRequest
- An iOS 6 iPhone Twitter Integration Tutorial using SLRequest
- Integrating Maps into iPhone iOS 6 Application using MKMapItem
- An Example iOS 6 iPhone MKMapItem Application
- An Introduction to Auto Layout in iOS 6
- Working with iOS 6 Auto Layout Constraints in Interface Builder
- An iPhone iOS 6 Auto Layout Example
- Implementing iOS 6 Auto Layout Constraints in Code
- Implementing Cross-Hierarchy Auto Layout Constraints in iOS 6
- Understanding the iOS 6 Auto Layout Visual Format Language
- Using iOS 6 Event Kit to Create Date and Location Based Reminders
- Understanding the iOS 6 Auto Layout Visual Format Language
- Using iOS 6 Event Kit to Create Date and Location Based Reminders
- An Overview of iOS 6 Application State Preservation and Restoration
- An iOS 6 iPhone State Preservation and Restoration Tutorial
- An Overview of iOS 6 Collection Views and Flow Layout
- An iPhone iOS 6 Storyboard-based Collection View Tutorial
- Making Store Purchases with the iOS 6 SKStoreProductViewController Class
- Building In-App Purchasing into iPhone iOS 6 Applications
- Preparing an iOS 6 Application for In-App Purchases
- An iPhone iOS 6 In-App Purchase Tutorial
- Configuring and Creating App Store Hosted Content for iOS 6 In-App Purchases