Android Studio 4.0 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition was published on June 5, 2020. The current revision is 1.0. The revision of your copy of the book can be found in the copyright page at the start of the book.
Using Android Studio 4.1
Unlike Android Studio 4.0, Android Studio 4.1 no longer includes the Kotlin Android Extensions plug-in in the module level build.grade file by default. This results in errors relating to kotlinx imports. To resolve this, edit the Module gradle.build (Gradle Scripts -> build.gradle (Module: app name.app) as follows to add the 'kotlin-android-extensions’ plug-in:
plugins { . . id 'kotlin-android-extensions' }
For full support for Android Studio 4.1, upgrade your book to Android Studio 4.1 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition.
95.6 Adding the Dynamic Feature Activity
The code fragment at the end of this section should read as follows:
. . import com.google.android.play.core.splitcompat.SplitCompat . . override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) SplitCompat.install(this) setContentView(R.layout.activity_my_feature) }
If you have encountered an issue with the book not listed above please contact us as at [email protected] and we will work to resolve the issue for you as quickly as possible.